How can I share my words of wisdom with 34,000 other elementary teachers?
It all begins here, in this page.
Welcome to Beneylu Pssst, a blog created especially for elementary teachers to share their wisdom. Our super editorial team is here to help you get on board.
Before you get comfy and start telling us your tips, here is the thrilling journey that awaits you:

Before we send your article off to be read by 34,000 classrooms:
- In the United States
- In Canada
- In France
- In India
- In Spain
- In Thailand
- In Belgium
- In many other places around the world…
We are here to equip you with all the tools you need!
You will receive practical guidelines to make your job easier, as well as an avalanche of smileys and encouragement.

We’re here to help you precisely define the topic of your Beneylu Pssst article.
We find for you that title that clicks, polish your introduction, give you several ideas for your planning, the photos and the famous “cheat sheet” (that’s your teaching trick, the one that works each year with all the students, related to the subject of your article).
Join us with an activity that works for you in a real class with real students: talkative, fidgety and charming. Open the door of your classroom to show us how you do it (us, and tens of thousands of teachers). One page with some photos is enough. We take care of the rest!

Write in Beneylu Pssst to find out a charming and enthusiastic team (or so our writers say).
You can count with an efficient service of proofreading and correction, and a dazzling layout. Our editorial team knows how to give more value to your ideas, and our communication skills are the frosting of the cake. This is our know-how.
We love our writers, and we pamper them. Each one has his or her preferences, writing styles, and strengths. We find the recipe to fit each one. You’ll feel like home.

Our authors:
- Have real wisdom to share
- Explain their experiences in a practical article (without jargon or long, theoretical discourse. Welcome to class!)
- Almost all of them are teachers or they are close to elementary school
- They are curious about what is happening in classrooms around the world
- Want to live a nice adventure with the team of Beneylu Pssst
- Some produce their own resources, that we promote in the section “Made by Teachers” of Beneylu Spot
- They are great teachers that have little time but big ideas
- Some of them are bloggers
- They love challenges
- Contact us through email, telephone, Facebook or Skype (everything is possible)
- Love to read Beneylu Pssst too
- We have 103 writers in total, and they come from all around the world
They are called Ombeleen, Magalie, Romance, Arnaud, Sophie, Shaney, Fanny, Pascale, Véronique, Thierry, Sandie, Céline, Cécile, Pierre, Phibzia, Evelyn, Svenia, Kathleen, Chelle, Natalie, Julie, Tracy, Khyati, Irene, Amaya, Elvira, Emilio, Antonio… and you?

Do you have any questions about Beneylu Pssst? About your future article? About our editorial team?
Write us, and we’ll be happy to talk with you!